Thursday, July 30, 2009

Parenting, you'll always be learning as you go..

They say you learn something new every day. Parenting is certainly no exception. Every mother spends an enormous amount of time, loving, nuturing and protecting your little ones. I know I certainly do the latter more than others. By nature and some genetics I'm what you'd describe as a "worrier" throw parenting in the mix and you can watch that increase a notch or two. And the way to protect them you ask? Always be on the defense. This means always predicting, imagining ways in which trouble might arise and how to avoid or resolve that issue. Its like the simple things, you cover all your electrical outlets when your child becomes mobile, put all the breakables out of reach etc. We can scurry, scamper, baby proof, coddle them, hold their hands but the fact remains they will fall down, they will get hurt, and they will be okay. Last Sunday was one of those very moments. As my son scurried back and forth on a beach dock, my husband and I watched with careful eyes. And sure enough he slipped off the dock and fell right into four foot deep water. While holding our nine month old, my heart rushed to my throat completely panic stricken, I urgently snapped at my husband to move faster to rescue him. Unfortunately for my husband he could of been flying at the speed of light and it wouldn't of been quick enough as time seemed to have slowed to a painful crawling pace. It seemed as though he was walking thrpugh mud to reach him. He of course scooped up our frightened little one and he was fine. After this experience I spent a good deal of time strained about what I had just witnessed, feeling we hadn't watched him close enough. We should of been more careful. We should of protected him. I couldn't bare to think of what could of happened. Thankfully to my husband I was enlightened to a more important lesson in all of this. By the end of the day I had quizzed him as to why he hadn't been closer, why we let him meander so far from us on that dock. He put it so simply, that he had a made a conscious effort to stay close to him yet at the same time allow for him to have his own freedom and independence. It's reminded me the importance of needing to protect them theres also the significant need to let our children become their own individual, independent and unique selves. To not allow my own concerns, fears and worries cripple them by becoming their own. Lesson one complete. Lets hope at the end of this, I can pass the final exam.

1 comment:

  1. Are you SURE we are not blood related?? I can say this.... 14 years later I sit still not ready to take the final exam. The garbage disposal is way to dangerous for teenagers to be using right? And really should my teenager really be riding a bike a few blocks away all alone?? Isn't it normal when you 10 year old goes in for surgery and the nurse cant get an iv because your child is screaming that you cry and yell at her because she has NO compassion and is sending you to your death? These are daily issues for me and have been. The worst part and probobly the hardest lesson is when your child starts to become the same worrier and you take them for help and the Dr says..... They are feeding off of your anxiety??? What I do NOT have anxiety. 4 opinions later ok ok ok I get it im causing this to be a huge issue that is being passed on, which is the last thing you want for your child. Even after the doctors had all told me it was me I still was sure there had to be someone willing to agree with me until my 14 year old said " mom you can worry about us everyday and not let us do anything hoping that nothing will happen, OR you could let us have our independece and let go a little and than God forbid something happen atleast you know we enjoyed life" Time to let go and realize he was right. Again did that make it all better , nope. Everyday I try a little harder and some days I do better than others, especially when I realized he is about to start to drive. THAT WILL BE MY FINAL EXAM... maybe ill pass with a little open book cheating aka... valium =) GOOD LUCK !!!
    glad all are ok too. Kristin
